Building the Right Challenge for Employees

While it is not difficult to create a fitness challenge, the objective is to create an effective challenge.

Building a fitness challenge is not complicated. There are plenty of websites that will help you create a pedometer or weight loss challenge or you could even just use a spreadsheet for record keeping. However, creating the challenge is not the point; getting your employees engaged in a competition that improves their health and fitness while teaching them better lifestyle choices is the real goal. ChallengeRunner is dedicated to the latter. With ChallengeRunner, a wellness program administrator can create a fitness challenge fully customized to your employees, culture, environment, and goals. In order to accomplish this, we provide unprecedented flexibility and ease-of-use.

Mixed Modes

Weight loss challenges can be effective but only help a certain segment of your employees. Walking / pedometer challenges are useful for almost anyone but are always won by a handful of distance runners. ChallengeRunner allows admins to create a challenge encompassing as many types of activities as you like so you can make the challenges competitive and therefore engaging to all employees. Create a challenge that includes both weight loss and pedometers... then include some daily activities to teach good health practices such as drinking at least 6 glasses of water or eating at least 4 servings of vegetables. You can now build a fitness challenge that will actually engage your employees.

Cycles and Variety

A fitness challenge is like most diets: it may be useful for a period of time but does little over the long haul. Likewise, the solution for this is similar to a healthy diet plan where, instead of starting and stopping, the process is an ongoing lifestyle change. For fitness challenges, this means executing them in cycles with only a short time in between. Unfortunately, running the same challenge over and over is not going to produce the desired results. As described above, ChallengeRunner allows administrators to create a challenge from virtually any criteria which will keep the challenge fresh. The system also allows the administrator to create individual and team challenges to further change the dynamics of the competition.