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Wellness Challenge

"We must either wear out or rust out- everyone of us.  My choice is to wear out." Theodore Roosevelt

What does that mean?  Its meaning is similar to the phrase, Use it or Lose it!  Today I challenge you to not just "wear out," but to "Live It Out!"  Let's challenge ourselves holistically... body, mind, and spirit.

Live It Out! Wellness Challenge will begin Wednesday, March 6th, to promote wellness by encouraging participants to lose weight, adopt healthy habits, and nurture the soul. 

So, let's get started!!  Click on the link below to register and submit your $5.00 entry fee.

"login/challenge/3f954p-1het" target="_blank" target="_blank" >https://www.ChallengeRunner.com/login/challenge/3f954p-1het

See Abby Harris for your first weigh-in/measurement every Wednesday until May 1st.  I will confidentially record your progress on Challenge Runner.  

The challenge will run for eight weeks, during which you will work towards earning as many points as possible by losing weight and participating in the activities, such as earning 1 point/day for participating in a physical activity for at least 20 minutes.  You will enter your daily activity points, so the honor system comes into play for this portion of the challenge.  At the conclusion of the eight weeks, May 1st, the person with the most points wins the challenge and takes the pot!  So, the more participants, the greater the prize! 

I encourage you to start moving right away, so we can participate in a fun walk/run at the end of the challenge to celebrate our accomplishment!


  • Due to the personal nature of weight loss challenges, in the leaderboard you will able to see where you stand in relation to other participants using anonymous names.
  • You are allowed to view your own data through the online system, but you will not be able to make edits.