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Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


This challenge incorporates both physical activity and healthy eating.  Points are awarded for both categories. 

1. Walking activity or other physical activity (weight training, swimming, etc.)

    Participants receive 1 point per 30 minutes of activity or 10,000 steps, no limit on steps or minutes of activity.

2.  Healthy eating = Goal is to eat 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables per day.

     Participants receive 3 points for 3 fruits/ veggies, 4 points for 4 fruits/veggies, and 5 points for 5 fruits/veggies.

 First Place (2 winners) -

Second Place (2 winners) -

Third place (2 winners) -

Participants can log activity using their Fitbits, or self-report, healthy eating will be self-reported.