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Welcome to the N(S)YC! Little Miami School District would like to introduce the formation of the LM District Wellness Committee and our inaugural wellness challenge. We are looking for members for the committee which will meet once a month and as needed based on events. Please contact Travis Showers at "mailto:tshowers@littlemiamischools.com" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" >tshowers@littlemiamischools.com if you are interested in making LMSD a healthier place!


N(S)YC will run for six weeks and each week a winner will be randomly drawn for a prize from anyone turning in a score sheet with at least 1 pt scored on 6 or the 7 days. A second drawing will be made for anyone scoring at least 50 points over 6 days. At the end of the challenge a drawing from the top 20 participants will be made in addition to a drawing from all participants who completed at least 6 days each week for the duration of the challenge.