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This is about lifestyle change. For six weeks, we are challenging ourselves to be good to our bodies, minds and souls—hoping to adopt practices during this challenge that we will carryover as a way of life. This isn’t a “weight loss” program (though stable weight management should be an outcome for you), it is a wellness program to help us develop healthier habits. 

Using a team approach, we will have fun coaching (and competing with) each other to do the things we know are best for our health.

Studies show that current human DNA carry traits of humans dating back as far as 40,000 years ago. As descendants of African ancestors (former slaves), we potentially carry a myriad of genetic factors (resulting from social and physical abuse) that can disproportionately put us at risk for what could be debilitating conditions—diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, just to name a few.

Studies show that nutrition and physical activity can be key factors for preventing and/or managing these conditions. The earlier we adopt healthy lifestyles, the better chance we have to avoid or minimize their impact on our lives.

There will be two focus areas each week--physical activity and nutrition.

 Physical activity:

  • tracked by the use of wearables and/or smartphone applications
  • best weekly outcomes will be tracked for recognition at end of competition
  • example, most steps taken in a week


  • a nutritional focus will be pushed to all participants each week via text and/or email
  • example, pushing for 64 oz. daily water intake


  • there will be 3-4 meet-ups (see flip side for tentative dates & activities)
  • the focus of the meet-ups will either be group physical activity or group healthy (clean) eating

 Points (will be tracked using an online leader board):

    • Weekly Challenge Winners are selected based on most points for:
      • Challenge Week 1 – Steps taken
      • Challenge Week 2 – Distance traveled
      • Challenge Week 4 - # of Workouts
      • Challenge Week 5 - # of healthy homecooked meals
    • Winning Team is selected based on most points earned collectively by team members plus:
      • team attendance at meet-up events
      • team member social media posts (pictures, videos and stories/status updates)
      • members participating in the mid-challenge and final weigh-in (focus is good weight management)
  • Challenge MVP wins by accumulating the most points across the entire challenge


 Tracking Success:

Activity data will be linked to Challenge Runner, an app that will connect to your wearable or cell phone app. Please review the instructions provided for downloading Challenge Runner and ask questions! You will need to wear your wearable device or keep your cell phone on you daily!