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How many minutes can you go on a Treadmill?

Welcome to this new Challenge! If you have a treadmill or have access to one you will want to participate. Hop on your treadmill and go. whether you walk, run, fast or slow, minutes are what matter here. American Heart association recommends 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week. A treadmill is a great way to workout! set the time, set the speed, set the incline, its a great tool to have when weather permits staying indoors.

In this challenge we will pursue most minutes worked out on a treadmill. Not necessary to record speed or distance. YOu just need to be moving on the treadmill and record your minutes of activity at trifit.challengerunner.com.

Individual to record the most minutes will receive the grand prize. Also a winner up will be recognized. Record your stats daily and check them often to see the lead!
Challenge will start Wednesday June 7 and run thru Friday July 7.

Last day to sign up for challenge will be June 10. All minutes of activity must be recorded by Friday July 7.

Have Fun!