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Basic Weight Loss Challenge

(Edit this general description for your challenge)

The Basic Weight Loss Challenge will promote wellness by encouraging participants to lose weight. Participants must weigh in once a week with the help of the program administrator. The admin will then note the participant weight in pounds and record this number into the ChallengeRunner.com system.

This challenge will run for six weeks. At the conclusion of six weeks, the participants with the top three weight loss totals by percentage will be awarded the following:

  1. First Place Award
  2. Second Place Award
  3. Third Place Award

In addition, every participant who records a minimum of 4% weight loss will receive a participation award.

The Basic Activity Challenge has the following characteristics:

  • Due to the personal nature of weight loss challenges, in the leaderboard each participant is able to see where they stand in relation to other participants using anonymous names.
  • Participants are allowed to view their own data through the online system but will not be able to make edits.